It is so easy to create 3D models!

A lot of exports and nice features!

From virtual to physical models thanks to 3D printing!


This tutorial shows how to create a 3D model of two fighting zebras with a single photo.
This tutorial should only take about 15 or 20 minutes of your time.

Step 1

Modify the texture scale of the initial image
We will start with the zebra on the left
Zoom in on the legs
Draw a contour (right mouse button)
Set the modification of the contour mode
Correct the wrong located points
Press [Modify contour]

Draw the head the same way
Draw the arm the same way
Draw the tail


You have 4 new shapes

Step 2

Zoom of the body
Draw the body
Get an accurate version of the body by modifying the contour as you did before with the head

Add a new group
Draw the hairs and adjust the points by modifying the contour
Having a new group allows you to not merge shapes together

Add a new group
Draw the ear


You have 3 new shapes in 3 groups.

Step 3

Select the body
Turn around the 3D model
Adjust [Z scale] value

Select the leg
Translate the leg and put it in front with [Z translation]
Select a [Mirror] on [Z]
Turn around the 3D model
Adjust [Y swivel] value

Do exactly the same with the arm

Do exactly the same with the ear

Reduce the [Z scale] value of the hairs

In order to reduce the texture mapping artifacts on the back of the animal, modify again the contour of the body by moving points inner


Now your first zebra is completed

Step 4

Now let's start the second zebra
Go the to the basic view point
Add a new group
Zoom out
Zoom in on the body
Draw the body
Turn around the 3D model
Adjust the [Z scale] value
Adjust the [Z translation] value
Adjust the [X Swivel] value a bit
Adjust the [Y Swivel] value and try to imagine how this zebra is located based on the image
Readjust the [Z translation] value again
Adjust the points of the contour and press [Modify contour] button


You have 1 new shape in one new group

Step 5

Now draw one leg after zooming in
Adapt the points and press [Modify contour] button
Update [Z scale] and [Z translation] and [Y swivel] values

Do the same for the 3 other legs
Draw the tail the same way (try to imagine it as we cannot see it)


You have 4 new shapes

Step 6

Zoom on the head
Draw the head and adapt all the usual settings of shapes

Add a new group
Draw the ears
Update [Z scale] and [Z translation] and [Y swivel] values
Set [Mirror] to [Z]
To correctly set the position of the second ear, use [Delta mirror] value

Add a new group
Draw the hair
Update [Z scale] and [Z translation] and [Y swivel] values


Now, your model is completed

see the resulting textured model


see the mesh
